发表: 2024年3月15日 By


每年, CESR颁发奖项,以表彰卓越的研究成果,并推动与环境可持续性相关的新研究项目, 一些, 和道德. 伊桑Poskanzer 利兹商学院(利兹商学院)战略与创业学助理教授, 以及他最近的论文《博彩平台推荐》?, 与麻省理工学院的埃米利奥·卡斯蒂亚合著, was recognized with CESR’s 2024 Highest Impact Paper Award.

博彩平台推荐最近采访了伊森,讨论了他在研究中试图解决的一些重大问题, how 包容 and sustainability come into his teaching, 以及各种各样的看门人如何使获得创新机会的途径更具包容性.  

CESR: How would you broadly describe your research? What big questions are you trying to answer?

伊桑Poskanzer: 我对创新很感兴趣, 我的动机是博彩平台推荐社会的创新能力没有得到充分利用,因为你需要大量的资源和培训来实现一个想法并把它变成现实.  基于他们的身份和博彩平台推荐社会中存在的不平等,某些人很难获得这些机会. 现在我在加纳做一个项目,在那里获得建议和资助的机会非常有限. I’m conscious of the fact that most people on the planet live under those conditions.




CESR: Could you please share a little bit about your research on legacy admissions? What inspired you to look into this topic, and what did you discover?

EP: 考虑到这些偏好在公众中引发的敌意,博彩平台推荐想要研究为什么大学会制定遗产偏好. I also think that legacy preferences are a relatively curious practice, which made us  wonder – why would colleges do this? 博彩平台推荐测试了三种可能的原因, 一般来说,大学在录取学生时公开声明他们考虑的原因是什么.

Universities say that they aim to admit the students that merit it, 或者是最合格的学生, that they aim to admit a diverse student body, 他们的目标是录取那些能在经济上支持学校的学生. Being financially supportive of the institution means many things, including students who are less likely to need financial aid, who are 更有可能被录取 when admitted, and who are more likely to contribute philanthropically in the future.

We tested which of these objectives legacy preferences support. We find that legacies are not any better qualified, so they didn’t merit admission more. The data show that legacies are actually less diverse than the rest of the student body. 然而, 博彩平台推荐看到,遗产在很多方面对学校的财政支持要大得多. They are less likely to need financial aid, 更有可能被录取, and more likely to come from families that are flagged as potential donors.

CESR: What are the implications of your findings?

EP: 这些发现很重要,因为, 不管是好是坏, 在美国和世界上,谁能进入名校对一个人的职业发展有很大的决定作用. 很多研究都证明了这一点. 这是对收入的预测, of the opportunity to go to certain grad schools, 追求特定的事业. 遗产方面的考虑意味着家庭关系可以预测谁能获得这些名额. 作为一个社会,博彩平台推荐需要决定博彩平台推荐是否想要这样选择谁将获得这些稀缺的名额.

It's also important because the legacy advantage is really big. I want to commend the college we worked with for letting us investigate this. Legacies have almost double the chance of being admitted to these elite schools. 在常青藤联盟,这是一件特别重要的事情,因为这些学校规模较小,而且它们已经存在了很长时间, so they have a lot of legacies and a smaller number of spots.


EP: 整体, AI and automation are difficult to generalize, because they are blanket terms that cover lots of tools that have different effects. We’re doing a study on code contributions to a larger software infrastructure. Code is fairly objective, in that a machine can evaluate its quality. 该工具总结了工作的质量,并将评估结果提供给人工审阅者. 当工具在那里的时候, 他们接受男性和女性代码贡献的可能性是没有区别的. 没有这个工具, 男性的贡献比女性的更容易被接受,这是一个性别差距. This tool can reduce gender inequalities in terms of which contributions are accepted.

We think this is because of time and attention. It takes a long time to read code blocks, 所以当没有工具的时候, 评估者将使用编码员的身份来确定代码的质量. 每当存在不确定性时,评估者将使用创建者的身份作为质量指标. 当评估某些东西需要比评估者手头上的资源更多的资源时也是如此.


“我认为,可持续性经常被视为一个政治问题,这是适得其反的. 我用可持续性来谈论更清洁、更好的新技术的机会. It doesn’t have to be about your political views."


CESR: What big trends are you seeing in innovation and in equity/包容?

EP: I’m curious about what colleges will do after the recent U.S. Supreme Court case that limited the use of race in admissions. 大学招生官员现在处于一个非常未知的位置,因为种族一直是一个因素. It will be very interesting to see how colleges will navigate the new legal landscape. I would love to have one volunteer for a study. There’s a lot of uncertainty about what is OK to do.

CESR: Have you found opportunities to bring topics of equity, 包容, or other aspects of sustainability and/or social impact into your teaching?

EP: In my teaching, I talk about inequality in the frame of lost contributions to innovation. 博彩app推荐可持续性, 我认为,可持续发展常常被视为一个政治问题,这适得其反. 我用可持续性来谈论更清洁、更好的新技术的机会. It doesn’t have to be about your political views.  我和学生们谈论那些能让博彩平台推荐以更少的污染生产同样数量的东西的发明是如何对每个人都更好的.

我之所以采取这种方法,是因为如果博彩平台推荐利用博彩平台推荐所有的创新能力,让尽可能多的人致力于可持续发展,这样做会更好. The politicization of sustainability makes fewer people want to be involved. When things enter a two-party political sphere, we end up with two views on every concept. For a problem like this that would benefit from innovation from everyone, the less it enters a politically divisive realm, 更好的.


EP: We see that designing standardized evaluation processes can reduce biases. 在我做过的其他研究中,博彩平台推荐发现评估的框架会影响性别偏见的程度. 当评估以参与性的方式进行交流时,性别偏见就会减少. When things are framed as being higher stakes, people get really risk-averse and lean on the person’s identity more to evaluate quality. 当风险更大的时候, people will choose the highest status option because there is less personal risk to them. 将创新定义为“失败是可以的”,可以帮助人们摆脱这种认知上的僵化.  

For entrepreneurship in science where innovation is a long process, 有顾问真的很重要. Because you learn tacit knowledge from someone over time. Having diversity in the adviser roles is supportive of diverse mentees. 博彩平台推荐发现,人们倾向于与与自己相似的人建立更牢固的关系. When the advisers are representative of mentee population, everyone has the same opportunity to bond with advisers who are like them.


EP: Failure is a healthy part of the innovation process. 在很多方面,产生最好想法的更大的过程都有很多失败的过程. Early in an idea’s life, it’s really hard to tell if it’s good or not. 在创新过程中,当人们真诚地尝试时,他们不会因为失败而受到惩罚,这更有可能产生伟大的想法. 最好的创新过程是允许多种想法成长,并在对其进行筛选和选择之前进行测试.

了解更多博彩app推荐 CESR的研究奖项在博彩平台推荐的网站上,并阅读其他 sustainable business research on our blog.

伊森最近与 今天的科罗拉多大学 另一项研究发现,当谎言与个人政治立场一致时,人们会故意支持谎言.